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Work Based Learning

Work Based Learning
802-728-9595 ext. 2407

At the Randolph Technical Career Center, planning for continuing education and preparing for a career go hand-in-hand.

RTCC supports every student in their personal, social, academic, and career development. Our Guidance Office works with students, families, and sending schools to ensure a smooth transition from high school to an education, career, and lifestyle that's right for them. Whether it's helping students choose the right courses, select an appropriate program, plan for life after graduation, or simply provide ongoing assurance and outreach, our Guidance office is there every step of the way.  

Our Work Based Learning program helps students discover opportunities

 in high pay and high growth careers, explore career pathways, and develop employability skills. It also gives students the opportunity to take the skills they've learned in our classrooms and apply them in a community-based setting, while further developing both technical and employability skills.

As important as gaining employability skills are, work-based learning gives students an invaluable experience that, with our Guidance Coordinator, they can reflect on as they work to plan academic pathways after graduation.

Internships and Co-ops are designed to give students the opportunity to use the skills they're learning in a real-life employment setting.

career banner


RTCC's new College and Career Lab

Our College and Career Lab is designed to bring in-school learning and out-of-school experience together. Check out our College and Career Lab offerings by clicking on the link in the documents box to the left.

Work Schedules

In collaboration with the Work Based Learning coordinator, individual schedules are developed that fit the needs of both student and employer.  Work hours may be during school time or on evenings/weekends.


Work Based Learning is a graded experience.  The evaluations performed by work site supervisors are the basis for a grade that is factored into the overall instructional program grade.

For a list of our Work Based Learning Community Partners, click on the link in the "documents" box below. For more information, contact Jeremi Lyford at 728-9595 extension 2407.

The Randolph Technical Career Center does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender
identity, marital status, or age in its programs or activities. The following
person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: 

Heather Lawler, Orange Southwest School District Assistant Superintendent
 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060, (802) 728-5052